Fri, 11/17/2017 - 16:25

Serpiente arbórea

Serpiente arborea en una madera
Imagen / Elvis Cueva Márquez

Esta serpiente arbórea no es venenosa, por lo general se alimenta de murciélagos. Es constrictora familia de las boas, una característica anatómica importante es que sus mandíbulas son más largas que el cráneo.

This specie is Annulated, or Ringed, Tres Boa it actually may not be that rare In the wild, but it seldom is seen or collected. Distinguishing this snake from the Garden Tree Boa relies mainly on scale counts, although most Garden Tres Boas are more attractively colored And patterned. I was surprised In the lodge Marasha when I found this baby In front of my room at night. I shot this picture on 28/03/17

Elvis Cueva Márquez


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